Create a Core Page

All default core pages are created during installation of MemberMouse, but there will be times you may want to create your own new core pages.

A core page is simply a standard WordPress page that has a special significance to your MemberMouse membership site, so creating them is as easy as creating a normal WordPress page and setting it as a core page.

Setting a WordPress page as a Core Page

Note in WordPress 5.0 and above: In order to access the MemberMouse Options block, you will need to make sure you are in the Document/Article tab header in the editor sidebar:

  1. From the WordPress Dashboard, click Pages.

  2. While Editing or Adding a page, a box entitled MemberMouse Options will appear to the right of the post edit box.

    Under the Core Page Settings section of this box, you can select the type of Core Page that is desired. Depending on the type selected, additional settings will appear. More information about these additional settings can be found on the article related to that specific Core Page.
Core Page Templates

Note in WordPress 5.0 and above: 

The dropdown is no longer available to automatically enter templates into the editor.  We have created a Templates Folder in the Knowledge Base with the code for each core page.  You can copy and paste the code from the relevant template into a Custom HTML block in the new editor if you ever have the need to reset one of the MemberMouse Core Pages.

For WordPress 4.9 and below:

MemberMouse comes with a fully-functional Core Page templates. To insert any of these templates, go the MM Templates dropdown above the WordPress content editor, selectthe Core Page Template you would like to use, and click the ‘green plus' icon.

astra wordpress membership site theme templates

The result of inserting a Core Page template is that MemberMouse will insert HTML, CSS and SmartTags™ into the content editor to produce a functional Core page that is completely customizable.

Access-Specific Core Page

Note in WordPress 5.0 and above: In order to access the MemberMouse Options block, you will need to make sure you are in the Document/Article tab header in the editor sidebar:

Some core pages can be assigned to specific membership levels, bundles or products. To create an access-specific core page do the following:

  1. From the WordPress Dashboard, click Pages.

  2. While Editing or Adding a page, a box entitled MemberMouse Options will appear to the right of the post edit box.

    neve wordpress membership site theme

  3. Chose one of the 4 access specific pages under Core Page Settings (Confirmation, Member Homepage, Save-the-Sale, Member Logout)

  4. Additional settings will appear once the access-specific core page is selected you can now choose what membership level, bundle or product should be associated with this page.

Make sure to Publish the page and now MemberMouse will handle directing your users properly for your configuration when they choose any of the core pages.

If you would like further documentation on Core Pages, please read Core Page Overview.

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