Advanced Reporting Explanations

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One of the keys to growing your business and managing your financial and personnel resources is data, metrics, a quantitative understanding of where your efforts are paying off and where they're not.

The advanced reporting suite gives you insight into how your site is doing and allows you to filter this by time, products, membership levels and bundles and even payment type.  Using affiliate tracking with MemberMouse Advanced Reporting also allows you to view detailed information on different sales and even traffic sources (see the final section for more explanation).

Reports Available In The Advanced Reporting Suite

(Available only on Pro Plans and above)


Dashboard Metrics – This contains all the reports found in the Basic Reporting SuiteI. MEMBER PROFILE

Total Members
The Total Members represents the total number of members in the system, both free and paid.

The Retention Rate represents the average length of time that someone remains an active member.

Average Customer Value
This field represents the average value of a member across all membership levels and time.

The Engagement represents the average number of pages a member visits per day.

The New Members report is a graph that displays how many members have joined according to membership level, for the given date range. Counts can be grouped by day, week or month. This report is useful to see overall membership trends.


Total Revenue
This represents the total revenue generated for the given date range. It does not exclude refunded products.

Retention Rate
Retention rate is calculated by MemberMouse as the inverse of churn. This figure represents the percentage of members who remain active on a month-to-month basis. The figure is normalized to a 30 day frame in order to help you think about retention in approximate calendar months, which is the normal way of discussing and analyzing retention.

Avg. Daily Revenue
This represents the average daily revenue generated for the given date range.

Avg. Monthly Revenue
This represents the average monthly revenue generated for the given date range.

For each day in the given date range, the number of active members and the number of not active members are counted. Then, these daily figures are summed together. The summed figures are then divided by each other, and multiplied by 30 and then again by 100, to arrive at the displayed churn figure.

Members are considered active if they have an account status of active, pending cancellation, locked or overdue at the start of the day. Members are considered not active if they have an account status of canceled or paused.

What's important to understand is that this figure is normalized into a 30 day form. This means, for the given date range (even if it's 6 months) the figure you see will represent the approximate 30 day churn rate. This 30 day normalization is useful, because it helps you to think about your attrition in calendar months, and is the conventional way of discussing churn.
Member CountThe Member Count report displays how many members have joined according to membership level, for the given date range. Counts can be grouped by day, week, month, or year. This report is useful to see overall membership trends.
Membership SalesThe Membership Sales report displays how much revenue was generated according to membership level, for the given date range.

The report also includes the option to include, exclude or view only rebill revenue, otherwise known as continuity or “back-end” revenue. Excluding rebill revenue is useful because it allows you to see how much money is being generated without taking recurring revenue into account, which can then be compared against monthly advertising spend to get a sense of how quickly the business is making or losing money acquiring new customers.
Product SalesThe Product Sales report displays how much revenue was generated according to product, for the given date range.

This report includes a count of how many products were sold, and the ability to include, exclude or view only rebill revenue, otherwise known as continuity or “back-end” revenue. It also adjusts for refunded products. Products may be associated with membership levels, bundles, or stand-alone products.
Customer ValueThe Customer Value report displays the average customer value by affiliate or by membership level, for the given date range as well as the number of customers each affiliate has brought.

Each affiliate can be further analyzed by clicking on the affiliate ID, which will then show a list of sub-affiliate IDs associated with that affiliate, if any exist.

This report shows how much money is spent by customers according to several arbitrary milestones. The first being Day 0, and the last being Day 720, in a customer's lifetime. Traditional direct response analysis instructs us to look at Days 30, 60, and 90, to asses how much a customer is worth after several months of retention.

This report will help you judge which sources of customers are the most valuable, and how much money you should spend acquiring a customer. This report should be used after several months of data has been generated, ideally, a long enough period of time to approximate the retention duration of an average customer
Quick AverageThe Quick Average report is similar to the Customer Value report, but here, revenue for the given date range is simply divided by the number of customers for the period.

This report is useful if you would like to get a sense of what your Customer Value is, but do not yet have enough data to look back in time, which is the primary utility of the Customer Value report.

This report will generally provide conservative estimates, since it does not take future payments into account that would occur after the end date. Regardless, it will help you get an idea of how much each source of customers is worth relative to other sources (also known as affiliates or channels)
Compare LevelsThe Compare Levels report allows you to compare the performance of membership levels against each other. This report is useful to help you understand which membership levels are popular, and how they are performing relative to each other.
Payment ServiceThe Payment Service report allows you to see how much revenue is being generated by each payment service currently being utilized on your MemberMouse site. This report is based on initial sales and does not exclude refunds. This report can be sorted to include, exclude or view only rebill information.
Channel SalesThe Channel Sales report allows you to see the total value of each affiliate ID being tracked by MemberMouse, for the given date range.

Knowing how much revenue has been generated in total by a given channel (also known as an affiliate) is useful since it allows you to compare this value against advertising costs or affiliate payments associated with that channel. If you are spending $1,000 per month on a given channel, this report will help tell you if that money is well spent.
Maximizing Your Reporting Data with Affiliate/Source Tracking

The term affiliate here is used broadly to mean traffic source. If you do not use affiliate tracking, you will lose much of the utility provided by the reports. This allows you to monitor where traffic to your website is coming from and how much revenue those channels are generating, as well as other metrics. It can allow you to find out which ads or other links are converting and successful.

For example, you can see the performance of different ads in Google AdWords, or different banners, links, for a given traffic source.  Any page on your membership site can be used as the landing page for affiliate links. No matter which page a prospect is sent to, as long as you pass the affiliate information correctly in the URL, MemberMouse will recognize it and store it so that when the prospect makes a purchase the affiliate can be credited with a referral.

So to maximize the utility of the Advanced Reporting Suite, you will want to implement tracking values in your URLs.  MemberMouse has a built-in two-tier affiliate tracking system which means that for each order placed you can track an affiliate ID and sub-affiliate ID. You can drill down on the affiliate in the Customer Value report to see the data by affiliate ID.  

By default, MemberMouse uses ‘affid' and ‘sid' as the keywords that are used to query data for the reports. You can customize these keywords to be whatever you want them to be by going to Affiliate Settings > Tracking Settings in the MemberMouse plugin.  

The word affiliate and the tracking parameter ‘affid' is meant to imply the source of the visitor. It should not be interpreted in the strict sense of the word. For instance, if you're purchasing Google AdWords, ‘google' might be the value you place in the URL. For example: affid=google. In this sense, Google is not one of your affiliates, but they are a paid traffic source, and you most surely want to analyze the value of those customers.

Creating an affiliate link is simple. Assume that the URL of the landing page for the affiliate link is and assume that the affiliate ID is ‘demoaffiliate' and the sub-affiliate ID is ‘banner1'.

We would construct the affiliate link as follows:

You do not need to create the affiliate ID or the sub ID anywhere in the system. Simply appending them to the URL is all you need to do. Please make sure to be consistent with your affiliate IDs and sub IDs, to maximize the accuracy of your reports.

NOTE: Affiliate information will also be available in your reports if you choose to use an affiliate provider that MemberMouse integrates directly with, such as iDev Affiliate. For more detailed information about the Affiliate system in MemberMouse, you can review the articles in the Affiliate Settings folder.

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