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  5. What happens to existing subscriptions if I switch from one payment vendor to another?

What happens to existing subscriptions if I switch from one payment vendor to another?

Switching from one Onsite to another Onsite payment vendor
(Authorize.Net, Authorize.Net CIM, Braintree, Stripe)

You can only have one main onsite payment method at one time. Once you change the payment settings in the MemberMouse plugin from one onsite payment vendor to another, then all subsequent payments will be made through the new payment vendor. The change only affects payments made going forward. Any subscriptions set up through the original payment vendor in the past will continue to be billed through that provider.

When you change your onsite payment method, as long as you leave the original configuration information unchanged, MemberMouse will continue to communicate with the original payment vendor in regard to subscriptions set up prior to the change. Effectively, you will have 2 onsite payment methods – one for past subscriptions and one for subscriptions moving forward. For example, if you are switching from Authorize.Net to Stripe. After you switch to Stripe, if payment repeatedly fails for a subscription set up through Authorize.Net, it will still become overdue and eventually canceled. The intention is to make it so that you can migrate to another payment provider without disrupting existing subscriptions.

There is no way to migrate existing subscriptions from the original vendor to the new one. The only way to bill existing subscriptions via the new payment vendor is to cancel the existing subscription(s) once the new payment vendor has been configured and then restart billing again. The recommended way to do this is as rebill payments fail. Setup a Push Notification to let you/your member know when a “Rebill Payment Failed” and get them switched over to the new system, either by including a new Purchase Link in the email notifying them, or by canceling their current subscription and Bill Card On File for the same product to start a new subscription with the new payment integration.

Switching from an Offsite payment vendor to an Onsite payment vendor
(Clickbank, Paypal) to (Authorize.Net, Authorize.Net CIM, Braintree, Stripe)

You can have one or multiple offsite payment vendors operating along with your one onsite payment vendor. However, after setting up your site and offering various payment methods, you might want to choose to stop offering one (or more) of your offsite vendors to your customers.

As with changing onsite payment vendors, any subscriptions set up through the offsite payment vendor in the past will continue to be billed through that provider. It is recommended that you keep your offsite vendor configured as a payment method and simply remove the payment button from your checkout page to prevent future purchases from being made via that vendor. You can do this by following the steps found in this article: Customize Buttons on the Checkout Page  This way, you can continue to manage subscriptions set up through that offsite payment vendor via MemberMouse.

There is no way to migrate existing subscriptions from the original vendor to the new one. The only way to bill existing subscriptions via the new payment vendor is to cancel the existing subscription(s) once the new payment vendor has been configured and then restart billing again. The recommended way to do this is as rebill payments fail. Setup a Push Notification to let you/your member know when a “Rebill Payment Failed” and get them switched over to the new system, either by including a new Purchase Link in the email notifying them, or by canceling their current subscription and Bill Card On File for the same product to start a new subscription with the new payment integration.

Switching from an Onsite payment vendor to an Offsite payment vendor
(Authorize.Net, Authorize.Net CIM, Braintree, Stripe) to (Clickbank, Paypal)

You can have one or multiple offsite payment vendors operating along with your one onsite payment vendor. However, after setting up your site and offering various payment methods, you might want to choose to stop offering any onsite payment options.

As with changing payment vendors, when you remove an onsite payment vendor and switch to the ‘None' option, any subscriptions set up through the onsite payment vendor in the past will continue to be billed through that provider, as long as you leave the original configuration information unchanged.

There is no way to migrate existing subscriptions from the original vendor to the new one. The only way to bill existing subscriptions via the new payment vendor is to cancel the existing subscription(s) once the new payment vendor has been configured and then restart billing again. The recommended way to do this is as rebill payments fail. Setup a Push Notification to let you/your member know when a “Rebill Payment Failed” and get them switched over to the new system, either by including a new Purchase Link in the email notifying them, or by canceling their current subscription and Bill Card On File for the same product to start a new subscription with the new payment integration.

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